学术活动学术讲座 - 透射电镜三维取向成像技术的发展与应用
2023-03-23多晶体材料内部晶粒的取向、大小、形状和空间分布以及晶界的五参量晶体学特征(取向差、晶界面法向)对其性能起着决定性的作用。三维取向成像技术是获取这些信息的有效途径之一。近二十多年来,研究人员基于X射线衍射和电子衍射已开发了多种三维晶体学重构技术。其中,具有无损表征特性的透射电镜三维取向成像技术具有高空间分辨率(1 nm),是实现纳米尺度多品体材料三维取成像和组织演变研究的理想技术。本研究以发展和优化透射电...
学术讲座 - 带电粒子的加速结构发展
学术讲座 - Investigating the stacking modulated spin and electronic structure on the atomic scale
2023-02-28Controlling the crystal structure is a powerful approach for manipulating the fundamental properties otcontrol can be achieved by modifyingsolids. Unique to two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals materials, thethe interlayer stacking order through rotation and translation between the lavers. Taking the advantage oscanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spin-polarized STM,I will give two examples of...
学术讲座 - Beam Collective Effect Study in Electron Storage Rings
2023-02-20As a large and comprehensive scientific research facility, storage ring light sourceswhich constrain, accumulate, store electrons and force electrons to give out radiationhave now become one of the most monumental tools in chemocatalysis, bioscience,material science, condensed matter physics, et al. To make the radiated light brighterand get a clearer view, the stored beam current needs to be i...
学术讲座 - 基于电子存储环的高功率EUV光源